sensory room
In 2016 we put in a Sensory Room in our church! Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments offer a relaxed atmosphere with pleasant surroundings, soothing sounds, captivating aromas, tactile experiences, massage, vibrosonic sensations, and gentle movement. Interesting light effects and comfortable seating allow your client to self regulate by choosing sensations. Further, the Snoezelen environment provides opportunities for interaction and engagement.

Elements of the room
The 8 Color Switch promotes inclusivity, choice, control and accessible learning. It makes choosing and turn-taking fun and accessible to all, including people with fine/gross motor skill difficulties and/or visual impairment.
Bubble Tubes are a truly multi-sensory product, offering visual, audible and tactile stimulation through the gentle vibrations caused by the internal pump. Plastic fish is an additional visual stimulus.
Projection is highly recommended for essential Snoezelen work. The simple changing shapes of color and gentle patterns require little intellectual concentration through the wall wash as well as star-gazer. This allows the individual to relax with the image without the need to predict or decipher the shapes or patterns of objects.
A sensory corner a comfortable area where a person can sit or recline and get up close to, and interact with sensory products. Typical sensory corner products include bubble tubes, fiber optics, and switches. Mirrors are often used to enhance the impact of visual products.
Padding on the walls and floors of a sensory room allows the user to safely and independently explore their environment without the need to worry about sharp corners and hard surfaces.
For even more information, visit www.snoezelen.info/